Over the years in Scarborough, my parents were never the ones to follow Halloween tradition and give out candy.  Rather they turned off the porch lights as an indicator that they weren’t interested in giving out any candy.  For those who didn’t pick up on the sign, door bell rings and knocks were left un-answered as they watched tv.

Old fashioned…yes, mean…debatable, but to everyone their own.

Anyhow, because of my parents’ choice, I get to suffer every Halloween.  No, not because I don’t get candy, cmon now, I’m way past that :) , but because my lonely car is the only one ever standing out in the driveway.  Not sure where everyone else is from or who knows this, but Halloween eggings are a usual occurrence in my area in Scarborough. 

An egging, for those who don’t know, is when someone literally throws an egg (or more) at something.  In this case, IT ALWAYS IS MY CAR!

The past few years, the morning after Halloween I would always find a few eggs shattered across my car.  With the weather at this time of year quite cooler, by morning time you can imagine the egg white/yolk has solidified quite nicely.  A nice little present from the local kids…a thank you to my parents for giving out candy. :(

So this year we moved to Lindsay.  There aren’t that many houses even built yet in our neighbourhood, nor many kids, but before night fall even hit, my car was already victimized again, this time while my Dad was out shopping with his car.  In bright day night, before 5pm even hit….how did they know what the ensuing evening was going to bring?

Was it some local kids?  Like I said no kids really around us, no school around us, our house doesn’t even get much through traffic.

Maybe it was some of the builders?  Saying thank you to us, note the sarcasm.

Anyways, I guess it wasn’t just a Scarborough thing after all, like others have always told me.  Instead I got a welcome to Halloween in Lindsay.  With a rag I cleaned up the welcoming mess.  I grudged into the house as nightfall arrived and my Dad yells to me to turn of the porch lights again.  Unwillingly I do and now I wait until the morning.

Hope you all had a fun and egg free Halloween!